Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > custody of speech and peace > Page 6


Peace & custody of the mouth

meditations on living peace & being peace No. 2

Page 6

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The contemplative wisdom is to speak less, not more, and to hold in Silence matters we may need to speak of later, when we feel the inner freedom arise to do so. In this, we are more prone to make sure we truly do need to speak of before speaking of. And this includes we are never to voice anything simply to relieve ourselves, only when we can affirm what is spoken is wise and in agreement with Grace. We should not ease our feelings by imposing words on anyone.

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So, being with others in Silence, in which we are not allowed to parade our ego, is good for us. We practice in such silence compassion to others and ourselves, without free reign to move to the mentality to fix someone by correcting them. The power of humbleness and graciousness is the fruit, while fellowship deepens and Grace speaks in and from the Silence.

The disciple inquired of his teacher, "Teacher, why do you speak so much of Silence, yet you enjoy talking?"
The teacher replied, "Speaking from the Silence is expressing the Silence, while speaking apart from the Silence is only speaking apart from the Silence. When you live from the Silence, you never leave the Silence and the Silence never leaves you; regardless of what you say or where you go, the Silence remains. When I speak, what I say is a celebration of the Silence."

where silence prays

*Brian Wilcox. "where silence prays". Flickr.

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

*Brian can be contacted through the following link.



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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > custody of speech and peace > Page 6

©Brian Wilcox 2024